Friday, April 22, 2022

To your success, Nicely done. And welcome to the dojo…Our Awesomely Bold Mission.

 Non profit to create, blue oceans of dreams, hands to help, ways to grow, classes online, degrees to get, pages to book, heads in the clouds. The next step.Don’t treat people as bad as they as, treat them as good as you are.Dreams of a Sister.Hilarious Can't Stop Laughing.Love and hate, to hurt sometimes, life is hard, for the bumps in the road, the only thing that makes us fell alive.

Tip of the Week. Never late. A good example has twice the value of good advice. Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns.Everything Is One.Public Group.The Doctor is in the house! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.

Cows,Cattle, And Cattlecalls, Ready for What? Enough for the Charmed Game Over.Dancing Circles On Beaches: Are you still single? bless you....Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. Adam and Eve story is a myth. Humans evolved from other species.Steers Herds.IF U ANNOY ME ONCE I WILL DISLIKE U FOREVER IM SO SORRY. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:BLACK SUN.IN THE SHADOW..Cattle Calling in Desert.

Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer. You need to make the time and ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Your Future Self Will Thank You For It!Brand News:
May be an image of 2 people, sky, tree and text

Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak. Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Thank the Great Spirit: Tales In The Woods.

Addicted to improvement! Time to stand all, time to do right things, good and evil. I am missing something,I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels.  Songs To Sing, Read, Orange, And Blue Stars, Darkness On Lands And Seas.Dicks, Dawgs, Dates. Glory Dazes 2 Come. Glory dazes to come. Saying hello,Almost Doesn't Count.

Light and darkness, sunny and bright, lovers and haters, dazes in court, coins to flip, games on words, tales of tricks, bumps in the road.Luther Vandross. Angels here now. Angels in heaven, angels in hell, trips to ...
May be an image of road
Dear SHEEP. SPRUCE POWER,Failure proof that you tried. Now go try again.'I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels. UNACCOUNTABLE. Habits Changes.Thomas J. Henry Law, to chat, to check, where we go from here, Today is the day. No matter what your circumstances, as dark as they can seem at times, there is always something worth appreciating.
May be an image of text that says 'F ALSE E VIDENCE A PPEARING R EAL'

Rignts to speck, reasons to write, assholes on the roof, crooks, cheaters, liars. Songs To Sing, Read, Orange, And Blue Stars, Darkness On Lands And Seas.Dicks, Dawgs, Dates. Glory Dazes 2 Come. Glory dazes to come. Saying hello,Almost Doesn't Count.

 Just a quick email to check in to see how you're liking The Capital Syndicate training so far."Marriage commercial "..."love" knows no color. Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT.WELCOME BACK TO WONDER! SAN DIEGO ZOO.The Basic Bitch Life.Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young.I like the way things were 40 plus years ago than the way it is now.back in the 70s, 78 -Jim Jones, 909 dead, drink the cool aid, my grandmother was one. Roots, Superman, Up in Smoke , movies on 1978. Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Faces Of Frogs, Snakes And Worms. Coins To Pay. Glory Dazes To Come


Earth Angels To Some, Snow White and Wonder Woman.Billie Holiday - Ain't nobody's business if I do:Paint My Love .Teamwork Hard Knocks, Schools On Beaches. Love And Luck, Heated Hearts, Birds Singing Songs, Monkeys To Dodge.

No photo description available.

Five Cents, to take free trips to hell, basket cases of freaks and hell hounds, donkeys in a field of dreams. Gifts given for the horns of a goat, love and hate, same word for the turkeys.

Wishes On Stars, Bailey Battles, Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politic... & Insights.Head Counts.The possibilities are endless for the things that I want. I just want a piece of the sky every day. Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present.

No photo description available.

From Primate to Politicians.The Rabbit Hole.Blame shifting might make you feel good but it won’t change you..@SprucePower, signed a supply and partnership agreement with @SonnenUSA that will provide Spruce’s existing 50,000 residential solar customers a chance to add energy storage (with an eye toward VPPs)

Jot that down.Into The Woods, Into The Water, Into The Dark: Veterans Homeless Blues.The Struggle" Sheri Spider Jarrot. On the road to Redemption. To fail, first attempts in learning, the end is effects never ends, equals next opening. Strangers to friends.

'Don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you.'Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys in packs, lessons to learn. Hot and wet, sounds of birds in the dogwood trees, songs to play, dances in the streets, babes, chicks, dames, fairy tales to recap.
May be an image of text that says 'Note to self: Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There's no time for anything else. @UserOne/'

Peace and Love by the sea. Masks Off.Love Today. There are no more Dragons!Normal Heights.Oh hi there .But it’s back to reality today .UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Adele - When We Were Young.
No photo description available.

Spruce Power. Solar Panels,THIS BUSINESS IS NOT BBB ACCREDITED. Quest today, to close five days late, after 6 week notice. Assholes.Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park.

Ian Schweiger, one man, one views, notes taken, history create, what you want, what you need, and what you desire. Help, to carry the cross. Today. Thanks. If you can, save the slandering statements they are making. Document everything. If they are calling you and harassing you, call the police, make a report and ask for a copy, in which you need for self representation.
You won't be obligated to represent yourself, at that point, but you will be able to secure the proof. Once you have the evidence and can prove the evidence to be damaging to your person, you will have a lawsuit. Phone harassment is against the law, so you have that. If you need advice, you can contact me. I'm legally savy.
May be an image of food and text

Dear SHEEP. SPRUCE POWER,Failure proof that you tried. Now go try again.'I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels. UNACCOUNTABLE. Habits Changes.Thomas J. Henry Law, to chat, to check, where we go from here, Today is the day.  No matter what your circumstances, as dark as they can seem at times, there is always something worth appreciating. UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Adele - When We Were Young.

BLUEOCEANBLUEDREAMSSMOKEANDFIRES.BLOGSPOT.COM. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE OR GIN... WHATEVER.'DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'Fat And Wide,“whatever” I mean fuck you.Find out how his team is ready to help you get fast cash for your real estate investments!:n A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.

Tip of the Week. Never late. A good example has twice the value of good advice. Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns.Everything Is One.Public Group.The Doctor is in the house! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.

Tip of the Week. Never late. A good example has twice the value of good advice. Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns.Everything Is One.Public Group.The Doctor is in the house! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.

Dear SHEEP. SPRUCE POWER,Failure proof that you tried. Now go try again.'I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels. UNACCOUNTABLE. Habits Changes.Thomas J. Henry Law, to chat, to check, where we go from here, Today is the day. No matter what your circumstances, as dark as they can seem at times, there is always something worth appreciating.
May be an image of text that says 'F ALSE E VIDENCE A PPEARING R EAL'

Spruce Power. Solar Panels,THIS BUSINESS IS NOT BBB ACCREDITED. Quest today, to close five days late, after 6 week notice. Assholes.Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park.

Dear SHEEP. SPRUCE POWER,Failure proof that you tried. Now go try again.'I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels. UNACCOUNTABLE. Habits Changes.Thomas J. Henry Law, to chat, to check, where we go from here, Today is the day.  No matter what your circumstances, as dark as they can seem at times, there is always something worth appreciating. 

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'This iS Steve Carrell before & after smoking one marijuanas. You stil think it's not harmful?! Think again'

"In sharing, in loving all and everything, one people naturally found a due portion of the thing they sought, while, in fearing,the other found need of conquest."-- Rachel Cattlecaller posted in Friends, Family, Foes, Faces In The Crowds. Roles To Play, Decades.:Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers, Birthdays.Rites.Meet Gary! Find out how his team is ready to help you get fast cash for your real estate investments!:n A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.

Classes on love and hate, twists and turns, to keep the lights on. Angles of angels on earth, stars to shine bright, notes of a spook, ghosts to speck.
Good times, holy ghosts to talk, holy ghosts to tell a tell or two. Love, luck, lights, lessons daily to learn, how to stand tall, how to walk and talk like a man of God. Battles, and wars, trips to hell and back, recaps to recall, stories left to share.Frogs,Snakes, And Worms,Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right. Tips from a cousin, who tells the stores of stories out of the bible, good book, family affairs, lovers to come, haters to go.

So, let's go…

The Capital Syndicate » Get Noticed

The Capital Syndicate » The Starting Lineup.Another brick in the world, history, not news today. Pages To Turn, ghosts and spooks, candles in the winds.    Diamonds, Or Not."If It Isn't Love: The path to success is to take massive, determined action. Nicely done. And welcome to the dojo…Our Awesomely Bold Mission.

“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear.”

—Norman Vincent Peale

 Housing Matters: Blues: Dreams I'm Wishing on a Star. MIRACLE - Birds To Sing. 😈 : -Veterans:Swim with mermaids💦Raining Frogs, Freaks, Fools, Fat Hogs, Cows To Call, Wales On The Beaches. Barry White - Practice What You Preach: Walks, Talks, Views, Lots Of Coins To Pay.Love, Lights, Luck, Lessons, Leaders, Green Signs, Arrows To Rites, Cons And Pros.I like the way things were 40 plus years ago than the way it is now.back in the 70s, 78 -Jim Jones, 909 dead, drink the cool aid, my grandmother was one.

⚾ Module 2 » 

The Starting Lineup »

Who, What, Why, Where & How?

Let the baseball analogies begin…You'll also gain a much better understanding of the rare opportunity you have to become the “private money hookup” they can't seem to quit, where you can (and can't) legally do this, how to get started quickly, and a bunch more.

OK, so enough pep talk—let's get to it, shall we?So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Adele - When We Were Young, frogs and fools also. you views of joy.Earth angels, fairies, and pixies in the stars on the ground with lights on, for the third form of life, in a blue state. Happy notes .

Nicely done. And welcome to the dojo…STANDARD SET:Love friends forever: Jaime Rosaldo: Thanks, Liked That A Lot: Hugs And Kisses.We asked. You answered.Kings, Leaders 2. Superb.

Before we jump right into tactics, strategies and taking action, lets smartly size up who's even in the game with us. This includes:

I like the way things were 40 plus years ago than the way it is now.back in the 70s, 78 -Jim Jones, 909 dead, drink the cool aid, my grandmother was one.

  • The Players (investor/borrowers)
  • The Fans (the Syndicate)
  • The Team Coach/Manager (YOU)

Congrats on the super smart decision you made—and the wise investment in yourself frankly—to ⇈ level-up your ⇊ bottom line with the Awesome training & tactics you'll only find here. Nicely done. And welcome to the dojo…Our Awesomely Bold Mission.

To your success, Nicely done. And welcome to the dojo…Our Awesomely Bold Mission.STANDARD SET:Love friends forever: Jaime Rosaldo: Thanks, Liked That A Lot: Hugs And Kisses.We asked. You answered.Kings, Leaders 2. Superb

To help 100,000 real people (including you) level-up your real estate investing game with specialized knowledge, training and insights that (i) accelerate profits, (ii) amplify your results, and (iii) make your REI easier, awesomer, and more rewarding. Nicely done. And welcome to the dojo…Our Awesomely Bold Mission.

Boom, you're already logged in.STANDARD SET:Love friends forever: Jaime Rosaldo: Thanks, Liked That A Lot: Hugs And Kisses.We asked. You answered.Kings, Leaders 2. Superb

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